Monday, December 31, 2012


Rebecca heard her buzzer go off. She looked out the peephole and saw her former body. She cursed. Jack must've come looking for his body back. She thought he'd be happy to be a woman, and had used a bodyswapper to switch bodies with him. Then she noticed he had brought his girlfriend with him. She pondered what additional chaos she might cause with the bodyswitcher. Perhaps her elderly neightbor, Mr. Finklestein would appreciate having the youthful, female body of Jack's girlfriend. Heck, she could switch around the entire building.


  1. This is one of the best captions I've ever read. Thank you so much. The best part is her thinking of switching her old neighbor into Jack's girlfriend's body and then switching the entire building :D I'd love to see additional captions like this was such devices and random people being included :) Thanks.

